Distilled Spirits of God
Marc David Decker © 1989

The rain made love to the ancient canyon as I eavesdropped.
His passionate kiss evoked immediate response.
Wet screams of swelling streams came from the deep woods,
And in my voyeur’s perversion, I heard everything.
She plays the role of abandoned lover with uncanny realism.
What choice does she have?
She can take the rain back, or die without him.
Survival is paramount.
Though she knows he will leave again and again and again,
She takes him back and charges are dismissed,
By reason of passion.
Passion is always the reason.
As sure as there is a way to things,
She will bear his children and watch them grow and die.
She will forgive him again and again and again.
She must.
Distilled spirits of God…
There is no music so pure as the rain’s lullaby.
I am drunk.
In my enlightened stupor, I heard everything,
And danced with the air as their music played.
It was the song of life and the dance of time,
And I did not care that God could see me.
In his voyeur’s perversion…
He watches me in my voyeur’s perversion…
Watching the rain make love
To the Earth.